I have been busy working on a number of items
The Sensory blanket has matching bean bags filled with different materials, rice, beans, popcorn seeds. Besides having different textures of material the weight and fill for each bean bag is different.
I can spread the blanket out and the kiddos can toss the bean bag towards the matching square...sometimes we just use the blanket to be prone for tummy time activities and sometimes we just use the bean bags and pretend they are pigs.
We set the bean bags on top of blocks, empty plastic milk jugs and we stand a large cylinder bolster on its end and puts some pigs (bean bags) on top - this helps with overhand throws to have something that is at shoulder height to aim at. We take a dozen plastic balls from the ball pit and these become or angry birds. Place a hola hoop on the floor 3 to 5 feet away from the display of pigs (bean bags) and the kiddos have fun trying to hit the pigs. Of course when the dozen balls have been thrown they do like to physical rush the display and knock the remaining pigs down with their body...also acceptable.
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