Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Home Sensory Diet for Kids

 The following information was provided to me by a COTA in the CESA 4 school districts

Home Activities

·        Wall pushups while counting to 10, 15…/reciting alphabet
·        Jumping jacks (can spell words, count…while jumping)
·        Crab walk
·        March from one place to another
·        “seat walk” while sitting on the floor with legs extended
·        Play doh-squeeze, search for hidden objects such as beads, buttons
·        Walk around the room while balancing a small object on head or shoulders.  Can use a small stuffed animal, rolled up sock
·        Crawl around the room while balancing a small object on shoulder or on back
·        Stand in a doorway, place right hand on the right side of the door frame and left hand on the left side of the door frame and push.  This can be turned into a game by pushing for each letter of the alphabet, counting to 10…
·        Carry laundry basket/box with something inside for weight (not too heavy-less than 5 pounds). 
·        Push a box (with something in it) with feet while seated on the floor.  This can be turned into a game by designating a “finish line” and timing how long it takes from start to finish
·        Put weight (books) on a blanket and pull around
·        Roll up into a blanket and unroll (“like a taco”)
·        Crawl under sofa, chair cushions
·        Dig in sandbox
·        Rake
·        Sweep
·        Chew on crunchy foods (as diet permits) such as carrots, celery, apples, nuts…
·        Chew on chewy foods (as diet permits) such as raisins, dried fruit…
·        Eat foods with strong flavors (as diet permits) pineapple, grapes…
·        Drink through straw (as diet permits) milk, juice, water,(especially thick liquids) smoothies, shakes,

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sensory Tunnel

My second fieldwork rotation is with CESA 4 school districts in Wisconsin and for a project I created a Sensory Tunnel.

Hint (learn from my mistakes) diameter and circumference as not interchangeable words.

20 inch diameter is too big for most children 3 to 10 years old. 18 inch diameter works well.

My tunnel has lycra and swim suit fabric - because....

Either I am cheap - swim suit fabric is cheaper than lycra.

Or I didn't purchase enough the first time and when I went back to the store they didn't have any lycra to match left.

The kiddo's have been having a great time getting proprioceptive, vestibular and tactile input while improving their motor planning, body awareness, and balance.